Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Maple Glzed Salmon and Roasted Cauliflower Steaks

Good morning, readers! It's only Tuesday and I've already had a hell of a week. For some odd reason, this seems to be a week filled with physical ailments determined to cause me pain and annoyance. Yesterday I managed to:

1) get the deepest paper cut I've ever had in my entire life,
2) have soreness in my left hip flexor, right bicep and lat muscles and right hamstring due to missing a myriad of golf balls at the driving range (had a really good time doing it though),
3) and stub my right pinky toe so hard that I'm pretty sure it's now broken

So yeah, to say I'm in pain today is a massive understatement. No matter, I will persevere! Mainly because I have no other choice -- I can't afford to go to a doctor and I can't afford to miss work so it's quite the catch 22 here.

Anyway, enough of my complaining, on to the recipe!

Last night for dinner I made maple glazed salmon, roasted cauliflower steaks and an arugula salad! Everything tasted divine and was a cinch to make! Quite the perfect "case-of-the-Mondays" meal. First up the main attraction: THE SALMON. I went to Food Network's app, (if you don't already have it downloaded, I highly suggest doing so. It's a great resource!) and I found this recipe from Trisha Yearwood. I cut the recipe in half since there's only two of us.

Maple Glazed Salmon

2 4 oz salmon fillets (I used individually wrapped and frozen fillets from Aldi)
1/4 C brown sugar
2 Tbsp maple syrup
1 Tbsp olive oil
1/2 Tbsp vegetable oil (I unfortunately ran out of olive oil and had to substitute the vegetable oil)
1 Tbsp Teriyaki sauce
Salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 400.

In a bowl, combine sugar, syrup, oils, Teriyaki sauce, salt and pepper. Whisk until it looks like a glaze.

Spray a metal baking dish with non-stick spray and season both sides of the salmon with salt and pepper.

Using a brush, lightly coat the salmon with the glaze and bake uncovered for 15 minutes.

Roasted Cauliflower Steaks

1 cauliflower, cleaned and cut into 1/2 inch thick steaks
2 Tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper
1/4 C raisins
1/4 C sliced almonds
1 Tbsp butter

Preheat oven to 450.

Arrange cauliflower steaks on a baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper and roast in the oven for 20 minutes, flipping the steaks over after 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, toast the almonds in a dry pan over medium heat until they begin to turn golden. It took about 5 minutes for me.

Add in the raisins and the butter and stir. Allow the raisins to cook until they begin to plump up and soak up all the delicious butter.

Spoon over the cauliflower steaks.

I wish I would've taken a picture of the salmon so you could see how beautiful it was! However, I was greedily shoveling it into my face-hole before this thought even occurred to me. Just know it was exquisite to look at and tasted like a million angels singing on my taste buds. The cauliflower was tender and the crunchy topping was delicious. All-in-all this was a fabulous meal and left me sated and sleepy. I encourage you to make this decadent weeknight meal for yourselves!

1 comment:

  1. Everything was good, and while I'm pretty sure your toe isn't broken, to say that you can't afford to see a doctor is a lie! :P
