Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Hi readers, sorry for going AWOL for the last few months, a lot has been happening in my life lately. To begin, I got a new job back in January as a hostess in a sushi bar so that takes up the majority of my time, I was accepted into culinary school and will be attending in the fall (yay me!), and Nate and I have been settling into our new home town nicely. 

I've been on a diet for about 20 years and one of my favorite (healthy) snacks is hummus. It's just so versatile; spread it on a pita, on a cracker, with veggies, on chicken, basically you can put it on anything and it'll be fantastic. My main complaint about it however, is that it's so damn expensive! For a small tub of plain ol' hummus you're paying $4 or $5! So how do I combat this? Well, this afternoon I tried (and succeeded) in making hummus. 


1 can garbanzo beans, drained 
1/3 C tahini 
1 garlic clove 
Juice of 1/2 a lemon 
2-3 Tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste 
2 Tbsp pesto (optional) 

In your trusty food processor, basically pour everything in until the texture is right. You may need to add a little more oil if the texture is too chunky. 

Now hummus is also fun because you can add anything to it. I happened to have an open jar of pesto in the fridge (I did a mass inventory of what was overstaying it's welcome in my fridge today, and this pesto made the list). I added in a couple tablespoons and pulsed the blender and voila! Beautiful pesto hummus. 

So I have never made hummus before but I must say, this recipe ended in fantastic results. 

The texture was creamy and the flavors were a spot on for hummus. 

I hope you enjoyed this recipe, readers and I'll try to post more! 

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