Sunday, May 24, 2020

Pan-Fried Sausage with Roasted Vegetables and Dijon-Maple Sauce

Hello again, readers! I hope your Memorial Day Weekend is treating you well! Nate and I trekked to Albuquerque on Friday to look for a new couch and do some shopping at our favorite international market, Talin Market. This market is amazing! You can buy a number of products from all regions of the world! They also have an impressive tea selection. Yesterday was spent hiking 13 miles in the Carson National Forest to the Trampas Lakes. This scenic and downright difficult hike took us through knee-deep snow to a pair of lakes in the shadow of snow-capped mountain peaks. I would like to consider myself a pretty athletic individual but despite that, I am certainly sore today from my head to my toes - but I was able to eat absolutely anything my heart desired post-hike so it was worth the discomfort.

My mountaineer hubby at one of the Trampas Lakes in Northern New Mexico - betcha didn't know it snowed here!
View from the other Trampas Lake featuring a Coffee Hidden Pipe Porter from our beloved Raleigh Brewing Company - great reward for trudging through snow!
Now that you've caught up with me, I'll get on to a recipe I've made a few times and is always a winner in our household - Pan-Fried Sausage with Roasted Vegetables and Dijon-Maple Sauce.

My plating definitely could use some work but whatever I tried.
Roasted Vegetables

3 Potatoes, thickly diced (you can use any you have on hand. I have used fingerlings, red and russets - there's no such thing as a bad potato)
6 oz Fresh Brussels Sprouts, stems removed and cut in half length-wise
3 Carrots, peeled and thickly chopped
1/2 Red Onion, thickly chopped
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper, To Taste
2 Tsp Caraway Seeds

Preheat oven to 425.

Prepare all vegetables as instructed and set on a sheet tray (I like lining my sheet trays with foil when I roast for easy clean-up) and toss with olive oil and seasonings to coat completely. Roast for 30-35 minutes in the oven flipping halfway through for even cooking.

Real Talk: I did not follow my own cooking times. When I made this recipe I was starving and completely impatient. My veggies were only in the oven about 20 minutes - they were fully cooked but not as crisp as I think y'all would enjoy. Don't be like me. Cook for the full time.

While your veggies are gettin' all roasty-toasty, make the Dijon-Maple Sauce!

Dijon-Maple Sauce

1/4 C Dijon Mustard
2-3 Tbsp Grade A Maple Syrup

Mix together in a bowl and taste. You can add more maple syrup if you're not a big vinegar fan. I personally love the heat and tang from mustard so I am pretty heavy-handed but this is your meal, do what you like! Refrigerate until serving.

This sauce is perfect for drizzling over the veggies and dipping the sausage in. It is tangy and rich and pairs perfectly with the fattiness from the sausage and earthiness from the roasted veg.

Pan-Fried Sausages
Cooking Spray
4 Vegetarian Italian Soy-sages or
4 Italian Sausages

Now for the main event - the sausages. Since I used soy-sage, these are already "cooked" and just need to be heated through. However if you're using fresh Italian sausage, you'll need to cook until they reach an internal temperature of 160 degrees which is typically about 12-15 minutes.

Soy-sage Preparation:
Spray a non-stick skillet with cooking spray and place over medium heat. Slice the soy-sage length-wise so you end up with 8 halves. Place the halves cut-side down and cook for 5 minutes. Flip and cook for another 5 minutes.

Sausage Preparation:
Spray a non-stick skillet with cooking spray and place over medium- high heat. Place the whole sausages in the skillet to brown for 5 minutes, flipping often. Reduce heat to medium-low and add 1/4 C water to the skillet. Cover and simmer the sausages for 12-15 minutes or until they reach the 160 degree temperature. Once fully cooked, slice the sausages at a diagonal for easy serving.

This meal is great for a busy weeknight because it requires very little active cooking and is hearty enough to satisfy even the hungriest member of your brood.

Stay tuned for more great recipes and thank you again for visiting my little blog! I appreciate y'all!

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