Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Fasolakia and Spinach Calzones

Happy Wednesday, readers! We've made it to the middle of the week and are at the tail end of it at that! Isn't that fantastic news?! Tuesday nights are by far the busiest in our household because in addition to working and working out we go to Team Trivia with Willie Wright at a local sports bar. While we love bar food, we don't always love bar food prices (or options) so we try to eat at home and spend our hard-earned gift card winnings on towers o' beer.

Last night was especially hectic. Instead of my typical 3 mile run at the gym, my friend Jenny and I decided to try a new class - anyone heard of BodyPump by Les Mills? This whole-body workout tires your muscles through high repetition at relatively low weights. I cannot remember the last time I did a weight class but this one was murder! First off, neither Jenny nor I knew what we were doing and by 5 minutes into the class we were both sweaty and in pain. This class was a whole hour. I arrived home at 6:50 and had exactly an hour to get dinner on the table and change into appropriate bar attire. The time crunch was on! Luckily, I had two pre-made calzones from the Mediterranean market by our apartment in the freezer but obviously that wasn't going to be a substantial meal. My mind immediately wandered to the cooking demonstration Nate and I witnessed at the Raleigh Greek Festival. Aside from family, I've never been fortunate enough to taste the food of the creators of the recipes I use. I wish I would've remembered this woman's name so I could thank her properly but this recipe for Fasolakia, or Greek green beans, is one of the easiest and probably tastiest ways I've had green beans in my life (yes, I daresay this is better than green bean casserole).


2 Tbsp olive oil (the cook demonstrating suggested using olive oil from the region from which you are cooking)
1 onion, diced
3-5 garlic cloves, minced
2 lbs frozen French green beans
2 cans diced tomatoes
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 Tbsp parsley
1 Tbsp dill
Pinch paprika

In a deep skillet, sauté onion and garlic over high heat in Greek olive oil until tender.

Add in green beans and diced tomatoes including the juice. Season and cook until desired tenderness.

Drizzle with a little bit of olive oil before serving.

The best part about this recipe (besides the delectable flavor) was the fact it took me 15 minutes to make from start to finish! The flavors were bold and the dish tasted just like the demonstration!

Can I also say that I love the idea of using oil from the region you're cooking? It's so smart. Just as wine from different regions doesn't taste alike, why would olive oil?

Next time you're itching for a tasty side dish, maybe give these babies a try!

(Ok tonight I promise I'm making steamed artichokes, for really-real this time.)

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