Monday, December 11, 2017

Chicken-Less Quesadillas

Good morning, readers and happy Monday! Here we are at the beginning of what (I sincerely hope) will be a quick and painless week. My weekend was a whirlwind of activity - I ran an Ugly Sweater 5K in horrible weather conditions (it was sleeting and 33 degrees) yet somehow managed to get 3rd in my age group and 39th overall, Nate and I saw a magnificent performance of The Nutcracker ballet, and I spent a lot of quality time with my couch.

But allow me to take you back to Thursday night. Nate and I are fans of The Room. This wonderfully God-awful film has recently had a resurgence in the limelight thanks to James Franco & Co and their passion project The Disaster Artist. I was very curious whenever I first heard this film was being made (it's based on a book, which I have read) and wanted to know in which direction the film would be taken. Would they ridicule the one-man show also known as Tommy Wiseu? Would they just make a remake of the original film? Or would they treat this project with the respect and care it deserved?

There was exactly 1 theater within a 5 mile radius of our apartment playing this film and it was a one-night-only affair so on Thursday night Nate and I had tickets at 7 and needed a quick and easy dinner to tide us over during the movie (of course we also got popcorn). As I was still cooking with only ingredients I could scavenge around the apartment, Nate made us a batch of surprisingly delicious Chicken-Less Quesadillas.

Chicken-Less Quesadillas

4 10 inch flour tortillas
2 Quorn Chick'n Patties (or equivalent meat-less product), cut into bite-size pieces
1 C shredded cheddar cheese, divided
1/4 C pickled jalapeno rings
2 Tbsp melted butter, divided
1/2 C salsa, for serving

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Evenly sprinkle cheese, 1 patty's worth of chick'n on top of a flour tortilla and jalapeno rings and top with another flour tortilla. Using a basting brush, brush the top tortilla with some melted butter. Repeat with the remaining tortillas and ingredients.

Bake the quesadillas for 10 minutes and flip. Baste the top tortilla with melted butter and bake for another 10 minutes or until the tortillas are golden brown and crisp.

These quesadillas were incredible! They were crispy, crunchy, cheesy, spicy and most definitely filling! They were made even more excellent when dipped in some Sadie's Salsa.

Also for those of you wondering, The Disaster Artist was a brilliant product and truly respected the enigma that is
The Room.

I apologize for the lack of picture, I came home from the gym and was so hungry I could've eaten the wreath hanging on our front door.

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