Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Banana Bread Muffins

There are only two situations in which I bake: 1) there's an event that necessitates it and 2) in pissed. I don't know why I associate baking and being angry...there's probably some psychology associated with that but tonight I am baking for Nate and his friends who will be making a 12 hour trek to Texas A&M and probably be sustaining themselves on fast food and gas station snacks. These muffins are relatively healthy so that's a plus? If you're into that? 

Banana Bread Muffins

2 1/2 C flour
1/2 tbsp baking soda
3/4 C brown sugar
1/2 tbsp cinnamon 
2 C smashed bananas (this was 2 1/2 naners) 
1/2 C canola oil
1/2 C milk
2 eggs
1/2 tbsp salt
1 tbsp vanilla extract 

Preheat oven to 425. 

In a bowl wisk together flour, baking soda, brown sugar and cinnamon. In a separate bowl mix together bananas, oil, milk, eggs, salt and vanilla. 

Create a well in the dry mixture and pour in 1/3 of the wet mixture and gently stir with a wooden spoon (or silicone spatula because you don't own a wooden spoon). Repeat this step until the wet is fully incorporated into the dry. DO NOT OVERMIX! This will make your muffins dense and thus you (and anyone subjected to your muffins) will be sad. 

In a muffin tin (that you could line with wrappers or not but if you don't make sure to throughly grease your tin) portion about 1/3 C of batter into each wrapper...or non-wrapper. Decrease oven temperature to 375 before you bake for 25 minutes. Rotate the pan after 15. 

Do the toothpick trick to make sure muffins are all the way baked. Place on a cooling rack. 

Enjoy these non-anger associated muffins, readers! 

P.S. they make your house smell like cinnamon which is just fantastic.  

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