Thursday, February 5, 2015

Blackberry Cabernet Sorbet

If you read my previous sorbet post you'd know that I absolutely adore sorbet. It's sweet, fruity, cold, creamy, delicious, decadent; what could possibly be better? 

On Saturday night we have been invited to dinner at our friend's Stephy and Justin's (thanks guys!) and Stephy requested something vegetarian and preferably gluten free...well sorbet definitely fits into those categories. 

I wanted to make a peach Bellini sorbet but unfortunately peaches aren't in season so I had to think fast (seeing as Nate was at the store when he told me peaches wouldn't be available) so I decided on blackberries and Cabernet. 

What you'll need: 

1/2 pounds blackberries, washed 
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup Cabernet (we're using a cheap but perfectly acceptable bottle of Charles Shaw; better known as "2 Buck Chuck") 

First and foremost, put your metal loaf pan (or ice cream bowl) in the freezer until you're ready to pour the sorbet mixture into it. 

Similarly to the strawberry and balsamic sorbet, you must soak the berries in the sugar and wine in a sealed jar overnight. 

After the berries have soaked overnight (or longer if you want them really boozy) pour into a large bowl (or blender) to blend with your handy immersion blender (or with your regular blender if you're into that). 

Now this next step is completely optional but highly recommended: blackberries have lots of seeds and if you're ok with picking seeds out of your teeth for 24 hours after eating the sorbet then don't bother with the following instructions, however if you do not wish to pick seeds out of your mouth I insist on passing your purée through a fine mesh sieve to remove the seeds. The sorbet will be smoother when it freezes and bonus: no seeds. 

Pour the puréed mixture into your loaf pan, cover with plastic wrap (be sure to press the wrap onto the surface to avoid pesky ice crystals) and freeze for 6-8 hours or use your ice cream machine and follow whatever it tells you. 

I'm serving my decadent sorbet with a dark chocolate ganache because let's be honest, what goes better with dry red wine than dark chocolate? Gentlemen and ladies, Valentine's Day is coming up, perhaps you should surprise your special someone with this tasty treat hint, hint! 

Dark Chocolate Ganache

1 cup dark chocolate chips 

Remember the double boiler I created for the avocado brownies? Make that again: 1 2 quart pot filled with 2 cups boiling water, cover the pot with a glass bowl and put the chocolate in it to melt, continuously stir chocolate until completely melted, pour into glass jar for safe keeping or drizzle immediately into your sorbet. 

Enjoy, readers! Oh and really everyone, your special someone will adore this (would probably be delicious after a great steak) think about it!