Thursday, February 19, 2015

Quiche Lorraine? Move over Lorraine, there's a new girl in town.

So I have a newfound love for quiche. They're so versatile! You can eat these baked pastry goddesses for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or anything in between (except dessert I guess...) and you can put pretty much anything in them. 

I'm hosting a girl's night with a few of my good friends on Saturday. You know the deal: bad rom coms, wine, gossip, possible crying and/or complaining about significant others, chocolate? No? Well, try it out. I recommend watching a classic like Clueless, Mean Girls, The Ugly Truth, 27 Dresses...basically anything with Katherine Heigl and always go for a cheap moscato. So anyway I wanted to break away from the typical pizza and junk food diet that usually accompanies girl's nights (because let's be honest, women eat like teenaged boys who have the munchies when they're amongst their friends) and go for my new girlfriend: quiche. 

Quiche With Caramelized Onions, Bacon and Swiss; let's dub her "the Suzie" because she's not quite as formal as "Lorraine" but she sure does taste good. 

You begin with the par-baked crust: 

2 cups flour, leveled
1 tbs salt
1/4 tbs sugar
6 oz butter, chilled and cubed
4 Tbs shortening, chilled and cubed
1/2 Cup ice water 

 Combine all in food processor and pulse until it begins to pull from the sides. 

Form into ball on plastic wrap and store in the fridge for a minimum 30 minutes . 

Knead the dough and roll out to 1/8 inch thickness and into a 10 inch circumference. 

Transfer and form into your greased quiche pan or your handy-dandy spring form pan. Pierce bottom with a fork in several places to reduce puffing. 

Bake at 400 degrees for 8 minutes. 


2 cups heavy whipping cream 
3 eggs 
Salt and pepper to taste 
Pinch of nutmeg 
2 Tbs olive oil 
1 1/2 onion
2 slices thick cut bacon 
1 pound Swiss cheese, shredded 

Combine cream, eggs, salt, pepper and nutmeg in a bowl with your whisk. 

Dice and Sauté onions in oil over medium heat until browned, this will probably take roughly 15 minutes. You want them soft and slightly caramelized. Add onions to egg mixture. 

Pour out grease and use the same skillet because who wants to do a million dishes? Chop bacon into 1/2 inch pieces and fry to desired crispness (I like mine to be partially disintegrated but this is totally your call). Pat bacon dry with a paper towel and add to egg mixture. 

Grate your Swiss cheese (by hand which is a death wish or using your fancy food processor) and add to egg mixture. 

After your crust is partially baked, pour egg mixture into it and bake at 375 for 30-40 minutes; you want it puffy and browned. 

Enjoy readers :) 

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