Monday, February 9, 2015

Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches

Trying to be a full-time legal assistant, full-time wife, part-time amateur chef, part-time self-proclaimed "gym rat" and part-time normal 22-year-old (my goodness is that a weird realization); takes an extreme amount of time management. Oh and hard liquor helps, too. 

I am currently reading Julie & Julia 365 days, 524 recipes, 1 tiny kitchen by Julie Powell. I might even go as far to say this woman is one of my inspirations. Major similarities between us (and I suppose by association Julia Child, also). We both work(ed) as secretaries (fun fact: so did Julia!), we both find release in cooking, we both have well-fed husbands (both of whom I'm sure wonder why we put ourselves through the stress of laborious cooking) and both have a rather dark sense of humor (however I don't curse online nearly as often as she does). Given these similarities I am discovering while reading her book, which inspired one of my favorite films Julie & Julia (seriously, just ask Nate how many times he's watched, heard, or known I've watched it in the short 2 and a half years he and I have been's an exorbitant amount I'm sure). I have mad respect for a woman who comes home from work at 9:00 PM and sets to work on multiple French dishes simultaneously. If you've read any of my Julia recipes you know how involved they are - oh and the fact you're standing over your stove or oven for hours at a time all the while dirtying every piece of cookware you, your mother, and every next-door-neighbor you've ever had owns. Don't get me wrong, the food is more than worth the effort but some nights after working and then going to the gym I can't even be bothered to make a ghetto quesadilla
(tortilla + cheese + microwave = a somewhat satisfying, albeit disappointing, meal).

That little aside well...aside? Tonight to secure my role as "working wife" I will be making one of my personal favorite weekday meals: buffalo chicken sandwiches with bleu cheese. I'm serving this masterpiece with ready-to-serve rice because it's cheap and fast...leave me alone. I can't be gourmet all the time. 

Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches

1 chicken breast, butterflied
1 cup hot sauce (I personally love Frank's Red Hot. I really do put that ish on everything) 
Salt and pepper
Seasoned salt 
Hamburger buns (I like potato buns)
1/4 cup crumbled bleu cheese (optional)

So it's best when you marinate the chicken overnight but it's not necessary. To begin, butterfly the chicken breast to create two roughly equal pieces. Season both sides of both breasts with the salt, pepper, seasoned salt; transfer to a bowl and coat with 3/4 cup of the Frank's. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and store overnight (or at least for 20 minutes). 

Preheat oven to 400. Bake on a greased baking sheet for 20 minutes, then flip chicken over and bake for 15 more minutes or until juices run clear when pierced with a fork. 
Now this is where you can get creative with garnish and bread and so forth. I like to keep mine simple: the remaining Frank's, bleu cheese and a bun. Simple, clean, to the point. If I'm feeling really fancy I'll serve it with some carrot sticks and celery and bleu cheese dressing (or ranch if you have a spouse who is not very fond of the pungent flavor of the bleu).

If you even enjoy reading my blog a little bit I think you'll enjoy reading Julie Powell's book. Happy eating, readers! 

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