Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Vegetarian Enchiladas

Good evening, readers! I hope your Tuesday was productive and over quickly. Thankfully mine was. I'm still recovering from my jetlag so the latter part of the day was a little rough but I think one more night of rest should have me back to normal adult functioning-non function.

Since there is only a short amount of time until I return to my beloved New Mexico, I'm trying to avoid the grocery store at all costs. I have a few basic ingredients (eggs, milk, variety of cheeses), so I think I can get by for at least a week but until then I'm trying very hard to make creative meals using what I have on hand.

I'll have to say tonight's on-the-fly dinner turned out very well.

Vegetarian Enchiladas

3 C Red Chile Sauce (click me!)
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 can corn with jalapenos, drained
10-12 corn tortillas
12 slices provolone cheese
1 C shredded cheddar and pepper jack cheeses

Preheat oven to 400.

Spoon about 1/2 C of red chile sauce on the bottom of a 9X9 baking dish and smooth to coat. This helps everything from sticking.

Next create a layer of tortillas. I tore the tortillas in half to get better coverage. This resulted in my using 3 tortillas per layer. On top of your tortillas, spoon about 1/2 C each of the black beans and corn. Top these with 4 slices of provolone (I understand this is not the typical cheese choice but I'm using what I got!). Top the cheese layer with 1 C red chile sauce.

Repeat the layering process until you run out of ingredients or pan, whichever comes first. Slather the top layer with the remainder of the chile and a hefty portion of the shredded cheese. Bake uncovered for 20 minutes.

My 9X9 pan yielded about 6 servings of deliciously filling enchiladas (guess what I'm eating for lunch and dinner for the next few days)! My red chile sauce immediately transported me back to my beloved New Mexico and very nearly depleted me of my chile powder (good thing I'm returning soon!)

Have a lovely Tuesday evening and a spectacular Wednesday, readers!

1 comment:

  1. Looks tasty! Make sure you stock up on nm things next time you're here!
