Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Green Monster Pesto with Zoodles

Good evening, readers! I don't know about y'all but today was the Monday-est Wednesday in history! After my lunch break I had zero energy to do anything more than stare at the clock. Hopefully your day wasn't nearly as horrible. Anyway, after a barre class and a 2 mile run I was feeling like I should be sort of healthy (well that coupled with the 4 pounds I put on this week...) had me craving kale. Weird, huh? Who craves kale? Well, I do, when it's blended up with cheese, pecans and olive oil into un-kale-like oblivion.

Do you know what else is gaining popularity in addition to kale and cauliflower? Spiralized veggie noodles! I had my eyes on a spiralizer for awhile now and my darling husband surprised me with one from halfway across the country! Who said romance was dead? This past weekend I took a trip to the State Farmer's Market here in Raleigh and picked up a beautiful (and massive) zucchini and it was just begging to be turned into zoodles!

Green Monster Pesto with Zoodles

1/4 C Green Monster Pesto (recipe here. I subbed pecans for walnuts and omitted the kale chips)
1 Tbsp olive oil
1/2 extra large zucchini, spiralized
2 cloves garlic, finely minced
1/4 C shredded parmesan cheese, for serving
Salt and pepper, to taste

Heat olive oil over medium heat and saute garlic until fragrant. Immediately add in the zoodles (isn't that just fun to say?!) and cook for 3-5 minutes until tender. I've heard horror stories about how easy it is to overcook zoodles and turn them into mush so be cautious! I cooked mine roughly 4 minutes and they achieved the perfect al dente bite.

This recipe yields 1 SERVING aka enough for my single butt to eat but I'm sure if I had used the whole zucchini I would've had enough for 2 people with pesto leftover.

Enjoy your short week, readers and stay tuned for zucchini bread, restaurant reviews (my favorite Aunt is visiting me this weekend!), and pesto hummus!

P.S. Thank you to my incredible husband for making me feel special and loved from 1,782 miles away! Prepare yourself for zoodles!


  1. I'm glad your zoodles didn't get overcooked. I can't wait to try them! You're welcome!

  2. Sounds yummy but I'm hesitant about trying zoodles (it is fun to say tho) the pesto sounds amazing. I think we are going to have to try this on a meatless Monday. I better go Amazon a spiralizer. Hope your week gets better. Love ya Sissy!
