Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Vegetarian Enchiladas

Good evening, readers! I hope your Tuesday was productive and over quickly. Thankfully mine was. I'm still recovering from my jetlag so the latter part of the day was a little rough but I think one more night of rest should have me back to normal adult functioning-non function.

Since there is only a short amount of time until I return to my beloved New Mexico, I'm trying to avoid the grocery store at all costs. I have a few basic ingredients (eggs, milk, variety of cheeses), so I think I can get by for at least a week but until then I'm trying very hard to make creative meals using what I have on hand.

I'll have to say tonight's on-the-fly dinner turned out very well.

Vegetarian Enchiladas

3 C Red Chile Sauce (click me!)
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 can corn with jalapenos, drained
10-12 corn tortillas
12 slices provolone cheese
1 C shredded cheddar and pepper jack cheeses

Preheat oven to 400.

Spoon about 1/2 C of red chile sauce on the bottom of a 9X9 baking dish and smooth to coat. This helps everything from sticking.

Next create a layer of tortillas. I tore the tortillas in half to get better coverage. This resulted in my using 3 tortillas per layer. On top of your tortillas, spoon about 1/2 C each of the black beans and corn. Top these with 4 slices of provolone (I understand this is not the typical cheese choice but I'm using what I got!). Top the cheese layer with 1 C red chile sauce.

Repeat the layering process until you run out of ingredients or pan, whichever comes first. Slather the top layer with the remainder of the chile and a hefty portion of the shredded cheese. Bake uncovered for 20 minutes.

My 9X9 pan yielded about 6 servings of deliciously filling enchiladas (guess what I'm eating for lunch and dinner for the next few days)! My red chile sauce immediately transported me back to my beloved New Mexico and very nearly depleted me of my chile powder (good thing I'm returning soon!)

Have a lovely Tuesday evening and a spectacular Wednesday, readers!

Monday, July 17, 2017

New Mexico Trip #3

Good afternoon readers! I am running on about 4 hours' sleep, a cup of coffee, a cup of green tea and a 16 oz Rockstar energy drink - I'm kinda just waiting for the crash at this point. Why am I so sleep deprived? I arrived back in Raleigh at 1:00 AM this morning and then endured about an hour of bag claiming, car shuttle riding and driving back to my place after spending a wonderful weekend with my amazing hubby! Gushy and gross, I know. You'd be the same way if you and your significant other were apart for a month. So buckle up and get comfy, readers! This-un's a long one!


I arrived in Albuquerque at 10:30 PM Thursday (that's 12:30 AM to my body) and was greeted with a black bean and vegetable stuffed pita and a giant hug. I cried a little bit...I was just so happy to see that sandwich -- uh! I mean that husband of mine! We drove back to Los Alamos and I'm not ashamed to admit I fell asleep in the car and woke up covered in drool.


Friday morning saw another trip to Nate's new haunt: Morning Glory (original review found here). I decided to give one of their burritos a try and it was phenomenal! I got the Hilltopper Burrito which was filled with eggs, perfectly seasoned hash browns, cheese, bell peppers, diced tomatoes, onions and mounds of delicious chile! The burrito was almost beyond words. The thing was enormous first of all and gave me plenty of energy for the hike around Bandelier National Park. Go to Morning Glory and get yourself one immediately, I'll wait. I had also ordered another Morning Glory muffin - a muffin I have literally been pining over for a month as a post-hike snack. When we got back into the Jeep after our 2 hour hiking excursion, I was MOST DISAPPOINTED (sorry-not-sorry that I had a meltdown that involved a temper tantrum) to find that I was not given the fruity, crunchy and moist pastry I had ordered but instead a Banana Nut disappoint-Muffin. I was very upset whilst eating it. I hate-ate that muffin.

After breakfast but before the disappoint-muffin, we decided to check out Bandelier National Monument. We had gone a few years ago with his parents in the fall and were eager to check it out again. The weather couldn't have been more perfect for this! It was sunny, dry and about 85 degrees with a slight breeze. It made hiking around the cliff dwellings very enjoyable. Bandelier is quite the experience. Visitors are required to take a 30 minute shuttle bus ride from White Rock, New Mexico (suburb of Los Alamos) to the Monument and the price is pretty steep - $20/vehicle but it's definitely worth it. The cliff dwellings are preserved and in some cases can be explored by visitors. There are self as well as Ranger-guided tours of the dwellings available and miles upon miles of hiking and backpacking trails surrounding the picturesque landscape.

I am afraid of heights and some of the dwellings can be a little harrowing to get to - namely the Alcove House. This dwelling is about 1/2 a mile from the "main hike" and set on the side of a cliff. Yes, you read that correctly, on the side of a cliff. The only way up is a series of about 20 foot ladders and narrow footpaths. I took some convincing to go up but the view was spectacular. Miles and miles of sky and mountains. It was the kind of scenery that makes my heart ache for New Mexico.

After the hike and subsequent shuttle bus ride, Nate and I decided to head over to the Jemez House Thrift Shop located at 13 Sherwood Blvd, Los Alamos, NM 87544. This store is always filled with great stuff and occasionally run special "$5 Bag Days" which involves anything you can fit into a large paper bag totaling $5. I've gotten work clothes, a winter coat, an adorable mini cooler and board games all in near-perfect condition! Like most thrift stores you have to dig a little bit but everything seems to be in pretty decent condition. This trip I got myself an L.L. Bean button up shirt and a Sierra Nevada t-shirt!

Still in the thrifting mood, we checked out the newly moved and remodeled Seeking Chameleon antique store located at 35 Rover Blvd, White Rock, NM 87544. We discovered this gem of a store during Nate's first summer in Los Alamos and fell in love. Vintage Pyrex your thing? They have tons of it (a significant portion of which resides in my kitchen). Old coins? Vintage jewelry or glassware? They have tons! They recently moved and the store is absolutely filled with great finds (and occasionally smells like bacon due to the Pig + Fig restaurant located next door)! I bought myself two vintage Pyrex mixing bowls, a darling Corning-made measuring cup, and Nate got a cute little picture. Could've easily spent more money there. Probably would've if not for the task of transporting them back to Raleigh.

We attempted to pay the Don Quioxe winery in White Rock but they have apparently moved their tasting room without updating their website or signage. Another disappointment.

Have you ever had the urge to grab a drink while you're shopping for produce? Your tiny screaming demon child throwing a tantrum because you won't buy them the Hot Wheels toy they didn't know existed until 2 seconds ago and your only thought is "this sound would go much better with beer"? Well, the Atomic Bar & Grill located Smith's Marketplace at 751 Trinity Dr, Los Alamos, NM 87544 may be the place for you! This grocery store is more comparable to a compound. They sell everything from name brand clothing and shoes and regular grocery items to lawn furniture, Starbucks, sushi and freshly made ready-to-eat foods. And in the center of it all is the Atomic Bar & Grill. They have a handful of seats a the bar with a few additional stools along the perimeter of the half-walls separating the bar from the grocery stores and 3 high definition televisions. The bar offers draft and bottled beers and a wine-on-tap system and a selection of sandwiches, paninis and pizzas made at the nearby deli counter.

Décor: the décor is the surrounding aisles of beers, loaves of bread and produce.

Food appearance: we ordered two Manhattan Project Paninis. Smoked gouda cheese, white cheddar cheese and delicious chopped green chile sandwiched between crunchy sourdough bread and served with a spicy pickle spear. Since you are located in a grocery store, the sandwiches were served in plastic take-out style containers.  

Food taste: everything was excellent and exactly what I was craving after a day of hiking and thrifting. It was cheesey, melty, spicy, salty, crunchy and oh-so-good. It also paired nicely with the two glasses of Rose I enjoyed during their happy hour.

Service: the staff is friendly and helpful. Our bartender came over and took our order, followed back up with us a few times and offered us samples of a punch she'd made. I observed a few "regulars" who had a running banter with the other bartender so they must be doing something right.

Cleanliness: everything was clean and orderly.

I would recommend a trip down to the Atomic Bar & Grill if for no other reason than the novelty of going to a bar located inside a grocery store. You can also check out there if you only have a few items. I also advise carrying cash for tips, there is unfortunately no way to tip on a credit card.

On our way back home, we made a stop at the Rose Chocolatier at 149 Central Park Square, Los Alamos, NM 87544 for a sweet treat of assorted house-made truffles. I can't even remember all the flavors we got other than they were all scrumptious. The Chocolatier also has house-made pastries and a coffee bar. And of course, a trip to Los Alamos wouldn't be complete without a trip (or several) to Bathtub Row Brewing Co-Op. 


The third Saturday of every month, the Masons in Los Alamos host a waffle breakfast that benefits different youth charities in the community. $7 gets you unlimited Belgian waffles, scrambled eggs, crispy bacon and succulent sausage and a whole mess of toppings! What's not to love?! Nate and I decided to check it out and were so stuffed after our 1 waffle and bowl of eggs each we thought we were about to go into a coma! Best part? Money goes straight to helping the community!

This weekend was Los Alamos' Sciencefest - a weekend full of events and activities mainly geared toward children but with a few adult-centered activities (i.e. a beer and wine garden). We went to the PBS Science Café presentation of NOVA Invisible Universe Revealed at the Nature Center about the 25th anniversary of the Hubble Telescope with a presentation afterwards. The documentary itself was incredible (you can find it on YouTube) but the talk was a little science-heavy for my taste. And a little long when you're sitting in planetarium-style chairs. Still an overall enjoyable experience. The Los Alamos Nature Center at 2600 Canyon Rd, Los Alamos, NM 87544 is small but an excellent educational opportunity (especially for youngsters!) as the docent on duty stated "we explain the natural history of Los Alamos". There are live animals and insects on exhibit and several observation windows overlooking the nearby canyon with spectacular natural views. 

After the video presentation, Nate and I went over to Ashley Pond to partake in the beer and wine garden and live music.

When we were eventually hungry again, we made a stop to El Parasol. El Parasol is a local chain with a few locations scattered between Santa Fe and Los Alamos. We visited the 1903 Central Ave, Los Alamos, NM 87544 location.

Décor: the restaurant hosts several long connected tables with a few single tables scattered around the wall. Probably about 50 seats in all. The beautifully carved wood chairs prominently feature the New Mexican zia symbol. There is a large natural rock façade on one wall.

Food appearance: everything is served to-go style in foil, wax papers or Styrofoam boxes.

Food taste: I ordered the vegetarian burrito which was stuffed with pinto beans, cheese, red and green chile (aka Chrismas), broccoli and guacamole. Once again, the burrito was gigantic but didn't skimp on the quality. It was utterly delicious.

Service: there are no "servers". You walk up and order from the counter. They call your number and you pick up your food yourself.

Cleanliness: the restaurant was exceptionally clean even down to the bathrooms.

Definitely give El Parasol a try if you're in the region! The chile is hot, the food is huge and there's a vegetarian menu!


After a quick stop for bagels at Ruby K's, yesterday was spent mainly at the AT&T store upgrading cell phones. I finally have (well, unfortunately not in my possession yet) a current generation iPhone! Yes, I sold my soul (and probably also my first-born child) to get an iPhone 7 and will unfortunately be saying goodbye to my beloved "Shark-phone". I realize most of you have no idea what this means but just take my word that I'm pretty heartbroken about not being able to use my shark-shaped phone case anymore but will instead have "Cactus-phone". 

After the 2 hour telephone situation, we made a quick stop at Marble Brewery for a few beers with my dad. It was nice to catch up with him, especially on a beautiful day with a cold beer in hand. Marble Brewery currently operates 3 taprooms in the Albuquerque area. Hard to believe it was only 1 when we moved away! Yesterday their flagship location (111 Marble Ave NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102) hosted a bluegrass festival. Granted we only heard the first band but I would be hard pressed to call them "bluegrass". They were folksy dad-rock at best. Not bad to listen to just not as advertised. We sat on their beautiful rooftop patio and watched a quick-moving storm come up from the north.

I then returned home and now here we are. Typing away reflecting on my wonderful weekend. Stay tuned for upcoming recipes! Have a great evening, readers!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

HG's Stir Fried Eggplant

Good afternoon! Marching right along through the week and feeling great about it! Hopefully you're in the same boat as I am in that regard. Without further ado, the recipe!

Have you ever heard of the website Hungry Girl? It's a fantastic brand created by award willing author Lisa Lillien. This website has everything under the sun from restaurant guides and food news to recipe makeovers. I don't know how this brilliant woman came up with this brand but she's pure genius!

Last week my lovely boss Jean gave me a beautiful Japanese eggplant from her garden and frankly I was at a loss as to what to do with it. I could use it for eggplant parm, but I cook that so often. I could use it for Ratatouille but I didn't have any of the ingredients. I had just come from a particularly strenuous workout class and my stomach was rumbling. Thanks to Lisa Lillien, I now had an inspiration!

HG's Stir Fried Eggplant (and Zucchini)

*I'm so sorry about the picture looking blurry, it was actually the steam rising up from the bowl

2 C peeled and cubed eggplant
*2 C peeled and cubed zucchini
Cooking spray
2 garlic cloves, minced

For the sauce:

1 Tbsp cornstarch *I ran out of cornstarch so I subbed 1 Tbsp flour
1/4 C cold water
1 packet no-calorie sweetener
*1 Tbsp Sriracha sauce (HG suggests sweet chili sauce but where's the fun in that?)
1 Tbsp low sodium soy sauce
1 Tsp toasted sesame oil
Pinch red pepper flake
*3 Tbsp scallions

Spray a deep skillet or wok with cooking spray and set over medium-high heat. Cook your eggplant and/or zucchini until tender. My eggplant didn't yield very much, plus I had a zucchini just sitting in my fridge with no plan so I decided to add it into the pan. Held up to the heat and the sauce well. Cooking should take roughly 10 minutes.

While your zucchi-plant is cooking, prepare the sauce. In a separate bowl (or liquid measuring cup because you're too lazy to get a separate bowl), dissolve cornstarch or flour in water and add in sweetener, Sriracha sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil and red pepper flake. Stir to combine.

After your sautéed veggies achieve optimum tenderness, add in garlic and cook until fragrant: about 2 minutes. Drop the heat to low and add in the sauce. Stir to coat, top with scallions (which I was too lazy to go outside to snip from my plant) and enjoy over a bowl of white or brown rice!

The best part about this recipe, besides the ease, quickness, and spectacular flavor, was the low calorie count! The entire recipe - YES THE ENTIRE RECIPE was 1 serving and contained a whopping 169 calories! Add in the 1/4 C of dried rice with 1 Tsp butter added during cooking and the whole meal was 396. For a whole dinner?! Isn't that insane?!

This recipe will definitely make it into my rotation again.

Stay tuned for details of my third New Mexico trip!

Monday, July 10, 2017

White Chocolate Cranberry Cookies

Good morning readers and happy Monday! You may be asking yourself, "why is Monday happy at all?" well, today marks a short 4 more days until I see my beloved husband again! For those of you keeping track, I haven't seen him in a month so you can probably understand my excitement.

Yesterday while I was trying to fill the endless hours of boredom and slight loneliness, I decided to bake cookies for the wonderful gentleman of the Service Center here at my office to thank them for all the countless times they've assisted me since I began working here, plus, not going to lie here, I wanted a cookie for myself.

White Chocolate Cranberry Cookies

8 Tbsp unsalted butter, softened
1/4 C brown sugar, packed
1/2 C white sugar
1 egg
1 Tsp vanilla
1 1/2 C flour
1/2 Tsp baking soda
1/4 Tsp salt
*1 C white chocolate chips
*1/2 C dried cranberries

Preheat oven to 350.

In a stand mixer fitted with the beater attachment, cream together butter and sugars until smooth and fluffy. Incorporate the egg and vanilla. Slowly add in the flour, baking soda and salt until the mixture looks like cookie dough.

WARNING: this dough is extremely soft but that's how it's supposed to look. 

*Now, I decided to divide my batter in half to make a few plain Chocolate Chip cookies in addition to the White Chocolate Cranberry. As such, I divided the number of chocolate chips and cranberries in half and used an additional 1/2 C milk chocolate chips.

In a separate bowl, place about half of the dough mixture and fold in about 1/2 C milk chocolate chips.

Fold in the white chocolate chips and cranberries until evenly distributed.

Line two cookie sheets with silicone baking mats or wax paper and portion out cookies. I like using a 1/4 C ice cream scoop for this. Gently press down scoops to make cookies even thickness. Some of my cookies were a little larger than others but I was able to get about 15 cookies out of the batter.

Bake for 15 minutes adding time if necessary.

The edges of my cookies were a little more browned and crisp than I usually like them thanks to my R2-D2 timer neglecting to buzz, but the center was still soft and chewy.

Enjoy your Monday, readers! Stay tuned for HG's Awesome Eggplant Stir-Fry courtesy of Hungry Girl!

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Cheddar Garlic Zucchini Bread and Kale Pesto Hummus

Happy Sunday afternoon, readers! I'm sure you, like me, are disappointed that we're already on our last day of the weekend. Unfortunately, my aunt had a family emergency and was unable to visit me this weekend. I'm extremely disappointed but also understanding. I decided instead of sitting at home twiddling my thumbs and feeling sorry for myself, I would distract myself by baking.

Cheddar Garlic Zucchini Bread

3 C flour
4 Tsp baking powder
1 Tsp salt
1/2 Tsp baking soda
1/2 Tsp garlic powder
1 C shredded zucchini
3/4 C shredded cheddar and pepper jack cheeses
1/4 C finely chopped green onion
2 Tbsp dried dill
2 eggs
1 C buttermilk (or 1 C skim milk mixed with 3 Tsp apple cider vinegar)
4 Tbsp melted butter

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a bowl, sift together flower, baking powder, salt, baking soda and garlic powder. Mix in the zucchini, cheddar, green onion and dill.

In a separate bowl, combine eggs, buttermilk and butter.

Mix wet mixture into dry mixture and pour into greased 9X5 loaf pan and bake for 50 minutes or until a toothpick can be inserted and come out clean. Allow to cool in the loaf pan for 30 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool completely. Wrap cooled loaf in foil to preserve freshness.

This bread will make your house smell heavenly while it's baking. It also smells like a certain popular seafood chain's famous biscuits - yeah you know the ones! It's so delicious and flavorful it doesn't even require butter, although this morning I used a slice to soak up some red chile sauce from my breakfast and it was a perfect combo.

Kale Pesto Hummus

2 C chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1/4 C tahini sauce
2 garlic cloves
1/4 C olive oil
Up to 1/4 C water
1/2 C Green Monster Pesto Sauce
Salt and pepper, to taste
Pinch red pepper flake

In the bowl of your food processor, combine all ingredients and pulse periodically adding water until correct consistency. I know that's literally not helpful, it's like something your grandmother tells you when you ask for her recipes. "Add enough ____ until it looks right." Uh...thanks grandma. However, I assume you've all seen hummus at some point in your life so just make it look like that.

Enjoy this delicious hummus on tortilla chips, celery, baby carrots, sandwiches, you know, the typical stuff. Word to the wise: the hummus is garlicy so maybe don't eat it before a hot date or during a hot date.

As a vegetarian one of the questions I get asked most frequently is "but how do you get protein, though?" And the answer to that question is lots and lots of beans and things made with beans. I think every vegetarian should have a good hummus recipe on hand! I've used the base recipe and added whole sundried tomatoes, chipotle peppers and fresh cilantro, kalamata olives; the possibilities are virtually endless!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Green Monster Pesto with Zoodles

Good evening, readers! I don't know about y'all but today was the Monday-est Wednesday in history! After my lunch break I had zero energy to do anything more than stare at the clock. Hopefully your day wasn't nearly as horrible. Anyway, after a barre class and a 2 mile run I was feeling like I should be sort of healthy (well that coupled with the 4 pounds I put on this week...) had me craving kale. Weird, huh? Who craves kale? Well, I do, when it's blended up with cheese, pecans and olive oil into un-kale-like oblivion.

Do you know what else is gaining popularity in addition to kale and cauliflower? Spiralized veggie noodles! I had my eyes on a spiralizer for awhile now and my darling husband surprised me with one from halfway across the country! Who said romance was dead? This past weekend I took a trip to the State Farmer's Market here in Raleigh and picked up a beautiful (and massive) zucchini and it was just begging to be turned into zoodles!

Green Monster Pesto with Zoodles

1/4 C Green Monster Pesto (recipe here. I subbed pecans for walnuts and omitted the kale chips)
1 Tbsp olive oil
1/2 extra large zucchini, spiralized
2 cloves garlic, finely minced
1/4 C shredded parmesan cheese, for serving
Salt and pepper, to taste

Heat olive oil over medium heat and saute garlic until fragrant. Immediately add in the zoodles (isn't that just fun to say?!) and cook for 3-5 minutes until tender. I've heard horror stories about how easy it is to overcook zoodles and turn them into mush so be cautious! I cooked mine roughly 4 minutes and they achieved the perfect al dente bite.

This recipe yields 1 SERVING aka enough for my single butt to eat but I'm sure if I had used the whole zucchini I would've had enough for 2 people with pesto leftover.

Enjoy your short week, readers and stay tuned for zucchini bread, restaurant reviews (my favorite Aunt is visiting me this weekend!), and pesto hummus!

P.S. Thank you to my incredible husband for making me feel special and loved from 1,782 miles away! Prepare yourself for zoodles!

Red, White and Booze Punch

Good morning, readers! Happy 5th of July! I hope the fireworks didn't last past 1:00 AM (that's illegal, you know), your furry friends weren't too anxious and you're not too hungover this morning. I am happy to announce that I was soundly asleep at 11:00 PM, my cats were safe and comfortable and the 32 oz of water and 2 ibuprofen I took before bed took care of any potential hangover. Go me!

However before 11:00 PM I enjoyed a day of indulgence. I ate my friend's Fat Fighting 7-Layer Dip (courtesy of Dr. Oz), chocolate chip cookies (courtesy of Tollhouse) and drank lots and lots of beer and my delicious and highly demanded Red, White and Booze Punch!

Red, White and Booze Punch

1 can frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed (I used pink lemonade)
1 1/2 C fruit-flavored vodka (I used Huckleberry Vodka from 44 Degrees distillery)
12 oz light colored beer (Heineken, Michelob Ultra or Bud Light work best)
2 fresh white peaches, sliced
5 strawberries, sliced into rounds

In a 2 quart pitcher, combine lemonade, vodka and beer. Add enough water to fill the picture to just below the 2 quart mark leaving room for fruit. Stir.

Add in your freshly sliced fruit. Serve in a wine glass for optimum aesthetic, but the punch tastes just as good in a plastic red cup.

Disclaimer: This drink is for those ages 21 and over! Also, this punch is one of those sneaky drinks that suddenly hits you! The sweetness of the fruit juice hides the alcohol flavor, thus you can drink 3 cups and before you know if you're on the floor with no pants on so be cautious!

Enjoy the punch, readers!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Buffalo Chickpea Casserole

Good morning, readers and happy birthday to this great nation of ours! While she may not always be perfect (especially lately) she is ours and we need to respect her. Anyway, enough of that and onto the recipe! I had my leftover Buffalo Chickpea Salad Salad chillin' in a bowl in my fridge since I made it and frankly, I've always been kinda weird about cold food. Our ancestors discovered fire and it's a disservice to their memory to only eat cold food after all their hard work and most likely trial and error. Anyway, so I decided I wanted to turn it into one of my favorite things: casserole!

Buffalo Chickpea Casserole

1 head cauliflower, cut into florets
2 Tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper, to taste
1/2 Tsp garlic powder
1/2 Tsp dry ranch dressing seasoning
Pinch cayenne pepper
3 C Buffalo Chickpea Salad mixture
2 C garlic breadcrumbs (I made my own using garlic croutons!)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Cut cauliflower into bite-sized florets and toss with olive oil and spices. Roast cauliflower for 20 minutes or until golden brown and tender.

Meanwhile make your breadcrumbs! I blitzed up about 1-1 1/2 C of whole garlic croutons in my blender until they were the perfect breadcrumb size.

Spray a 9X9 casserole dish with nonstick cooking spray and place cooked cauliflower in the bottom. Top with buffalo chickpea salad mixture and spread into a smooth layer. Top with delicious breadcrumbs and bake for 20 minutes.

This dinner was delightful and delicious and a cinch to make! I topped with a little more buffalo sauce (because it is phenomenal) and a drizzle of ranch dressing when I served myself a bowl. Highly  recommend it for a easy weeknight meal!

Have a happy 4th of July, readers! Today and every day remember what our great country REALLY stands for and why we're so lucky to call it home.