Monday, December 29, 2014

Green Chile Stew

Well readers, we have arrived safely back in Albuquerque and upon our arrival we (immediately) noticed that Albuquerque was colder than Chicago! Bet you all thought since Albuquerque is a desert it's always hot, huh? Well the chilly weather has inspired me (well my husband through my instructions anyway) to make green chile stew. 

Now readers, green chile...well chile in general actually is to New Mexico what pizza is to Chicago - IT'S EVERYWHERE! Chile can be found on everything from burgers and fries to ice cream and wine.  Green chile stew is a cold weather favorite here because it warms you up inside and out, plus it's a cinch to make. 

Green Chile Stew 
2 jars of green chile sauce (I prefer Cervantes but Monroe's is good, too) 
1 pound ground meat (turkey is our favorite)
3 garlic cloves, minced 
1 yellow onion, chopped 
2 russet potatoes, diced 
6 cups of water 
Salt and pepper, to taste 
1 T olive oil 
1 tsp Mexican oregano 

In a large stockpot, brown the turkey in the oil with the onions and garlic over medium-low heat. Once the meat is browned drain the fat (if necessary) and add in the two jars of chile sauce and water and mix in the seasonings. Adr in the potatoes and simmer for 2 hours on low heat (or if you're really hungry boil over medium-high for an hour; but the longer you let the stew sit the more the flavors will develop).

Now I've tried making this stew with fresh hatch green chiles but ran into two problems: 1) the chile was outrageously hot and 2) the stew didn't thicken up quite as well as it would've had I used the sauce. 

Another change was I tried using ground beef as opposed to turkey and the outcome was very greasy stew and honestly who wants that? 

I like to serve this stew with warmed up tortillas. This is even simpler to do than making the stew! Take tortillas and put them directly on the rack of your 350 degree preheated oven for 5 minutes! 

I hope you all enjoy this New Mexico treat! 

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