Sunday, December 14, 2014


When I was in high school I decided I wanted to be a lawyer because I had read and was inspired by Healter Skelter. When it came time for me to choose a college major the obvious choice was Criminology; I signed up for the classes and began gearing my life toward my future in law.

During my second semester of college I quit the part-time job I had at a fast-food joint and stumbled upon (literally, I had no idea I would get the job due to the fact I had no experience) a part-time job for an attorney who specializes in Estate Planning and Probate.

I am proud to say that I have worked for this attorney for the past 3 years. However, my path in life has changed. Working at the attorney's office taught me I wasn't passionate about law and what is life about if not passion? I have learned that life is far too short and precious to waste doing just because it will get you money, fame, status, etc.

So what am I passionate about? Cooking. Even from a young age I was addicted to watching Food Network; I can clearly remember watching Emeril Lagasse with my Italian grandfather. This blog is to serve as an account of my passion. I just graduated from college with my degree in Criminology and am elated to say that I will be chasing my dreams and attending culinary school in August 2015.

I will post on here the recipes I try, the food I feed my husband and our friends, and what I'm learning in culinary school. If you take nothing else from my meager postings, remember to do what you're passionate about.


  1. Encouraging post! Congrats on graduation and acceptance into culinary school. Wishing you all the best.

