Thursday, November 9, 2017

Mushroom and Garlic Souffles

And with this post I am caught up! Isn't this magnificent? I feel like my life is really together today and I'm all about it! Last night I wanted to make something easy and that would hopefully have no leftovers. After consulting my various cookbooks and recipes, I settled on Mushroom and Garlic Soufflés from my What's Cooking Vegetarian Cookbook by Jenny Stacey.

Mushroom and Garlic Soufflés

4 Tbsp butter, divided
4 garlic cloves, minced
3 oz baby portabella mushrooms, cleaned and chopped
2 Tbsp lemon juice
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 Tbsp dried marjoram
3 Tbsp flour
1 C 2% milk
2 eggs, separated

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray individual ramekins or (if you're like me and ain't nobody got time for that) a 1.5 quart casserole dish with cooking spray and set aside.

In a skillet over medium heat, sauté mushrooms and garlic in 2 Tbsp butter for 5 minutes and season with salt pepper, marjoram and lemon juice. Remove to a mixing bowl.

Melt remaining 2 Tbsp of butter in the skillet over medium heat and stir in the flour. Cook for 1 minute and remove from heat. Stir in the milk and return to the heat. Allow the mixture to thicken for 3 minutes over medium heat.

After your sauce is thickened, add to the mixing bowl with the mushrooms and combine. Stir in egg yolks.

In a separate bowl, whisk egg whites until stiff peaks form. If you're one of the lucky few who has a hand mixer, this job should be easy peasy! If you are like me and your hand mixer is literally a whisk in your hand, I have some tips for you:

1) putting the mixing bowl in the freezer at the beginning of your cooking process will help the whisking process immensely!
2) Prepare for your forearm and bicep area to burn after about 45 seconds of continuous whisking;
3) This is going to take you no less than 5 minutes.

After you have your stiff peaks, gently fold the egg whites into the mushroom mixture and pour into the prepared cooking vessel.

If you're using individual ramekins, bake for 5-8 minutes. If you're using a casserole, this is going to take closer to 20 but begin with 8 minutes and check your soufflé often! Use a toothpick or a skewer to check done-ness.

I served my fluffy and delicious soufflé alongside a mixed greens salad and a glass of good ole' Shiraz. The flavors of the soufflé were excellent! Garlic-y, slightly acidic and the mushrooms were oh-so-meaty and succulent. All around a solid meal! I ate 1/4 of my casserole and Nate ate the remaining 3/4 so I definitely achieved my goal of zero leftovers!

1 comment:

  1. Hey saw your link on Fitbit community. This looks delicious!!!! Now im gonna go check out more of your blog!
    Come check out my blog sometime! I have tabs to some fab recipes and diet trick on there as well.
