Monday, November 20, 2017

Zucchini "Crab" Cakes with Tater Puffs

Good morning, dear faithful readers! I hope that like I, you too, have a short work week to look forward to! This weekend was a whirlwind of activities and time spent with my darling husband.

I am currently in training for a 5K run and after work on Friday night I decided the best way to train for a 5K was to just run one. After months of only running 2 or 2 and-a-half milers, I was thrilled that my 5K time was still under 30 minutes (go me!) I am, however looking to get it down even further...maybe to 25.

Anyway, after this exercise excursion, I decided Nate and I needed to eat so I went home and made Zucchini "Crab" Cakes out of my Fix-It-And-Forget-It Vegetarian cookbook. This recipe was strikingly similar to the Zombie Zucchini Meatball Sliders I made back in October but with a few changes.

Zucchini "Crab" Cakes

3 medium zucchinis, grated
2 garlic cloves, grated
4 Tbsp mayonnaise
1 C seasoned Italian breadcrumbs
2 eggs
Salt and pepper, to taste
2 Tsp seafood seasonings
3 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
2-3 dashes hot sauce

This recipe really couldn't be simpler: Combine all ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. Once combined, form into 1/2 C sized patties. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat and spray with non-stick cooking spray. Cook patties for 3-5 minutes per side or until golden and crisp.

These patties are going to be soft due to the high moisture content in zucchini, to help crisp them up, I baked them in a 450 degree oven for 5 minutes while I was baking the generically named "tater puffs".

I was able to get 12 patties out of this recipe.

Nate made a delicious stone-ground mustard remoulade  to top the cakes and puffs. I wish I knew what he put in it...Nate, mind sharing your recipe in the comments?

Stay tuned for a delicious fall-inspired salad, a lazy pre-Turkey Day meal and the dramatic reveal of what a displaced vegetarian Burquena eat at Thanksgiving dinner. I can guarantee it'll be all good, huh?

1 comment:

  1. Remoulade:

    This was tasty, and while the cakes don't stay formed after microwaving the leftovers they still taste good.
