Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Creamy Pesto Pasta

Good afternoon, readers! I don't know about you, but I am sick of Thanksgiving leftovers. The Tofurky, the stuffing, and even the beloved potato. I can't stand the sight of them any longer! So Tuesday night I made Creamy Pesto Pasta and it was everything I ever wanted and more in a non-Thanksgiving leftover meal. I even ate seconds, which is a huge deal for me.

Work Monday was a chore. Why is going back to work after a holiday so darn difficult? It's like you forget how to function as an adult and resort back to being a preschooler who needs a nap. At least that's me. I felt grouchy, lethargic and generally upset all day. But after a particularly difficult workout at the gym I was re-energized and rearing for some Creamy Pesto!

Creamy Pesto Pasta

2 C fresh flat leaf parsley
2 garlic cloves, peeled
3 Tbsp basil paste (or 3/4 C fresh basil)
3 Tbsp chopped walnuts
3/4 C shredded parmesan cheese, divided
Salt and pepper, to taste
1/2 C olive oil (plus more if necessary)
1/2 C heavy whipping cream
1 Tbsp butter
3 roma tomatoes, diced
1 lb corkscrew or rotini pasta

This pesto was the first green thing I'd eaten since Wednesday evening. That's awful and I'm sure my body hated me for only feeding it carbs, starch and fat. Sorry body...

Begin by blitzing up the pesto in a food processor. Add parsley, garlic, basil paste or fresh basil, walnuts, parmesan cheese and seasonings to a food processor. Pulse your processor on the "low" setting while drizzling in the oil. Blitz and drizzle until the mixture looks like pesto.

Quick note: have you ever seen basil paste? It's honestly changed my life! How many times has this happened to you: you buy the little plastic package of fresh sad-looking basil from the grocery store only to have it rot in it's plastic coffin a day later? Far too many times for me to count. Basil paste is vibrantly green in it's packaging, tastes just the same as the fresh stuff and won't go bad in your fridge.

Cook your pasta according to package instruction.

While your pasta is boiling away and reaching al dente perfection, slowly melt the cream in the butter over medium-low heat. Then mix your freshly prepared pesto into your sinful cream sauce. Add in the rest of the cheese and let sit over low heat until your pasta is ready.

Drain your pasta and pour the phenomenal creamy sauce. Toss in your freshly chopped tomatoes and viola! A decadent and delicious meal that'll leave you hungry for more.

Nate and I ate the entire recipe's worth. It was that good! If I had to guess, this yielded roughly 8-9 cup-size servings (or 2 Lindsey and Nate sized servings). No shame. No regrets.

Enjoy your Wednesday and slow march toward the weekend, readers!

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